Certification Calculator
Packaging Direct
Anyone who places packaging subject to system participation requirements on the German market is also required to participate in a dual system and register with LUCID. These rules form part of Germany’s Packaging Law.
With the help of Noventiz, you can quickly and easily sign a legally secure agreement on the return of your packaging. Simply enter your packaging figures here.
3 clicks
to the perfect solution
Calculate: Do you place packaging on the market? Simply enter your volumes. You will immediately receive a tailored offer.
Register: Simply register and check your contract data.
Pay: Just go to the checkout and pay by direct debit, credit card or PayPal.
Our service team will be happy to answer any questions you may have

+49 (0) 221-800 158 219

Disposal confirmation
Your personal disposal confirmation is available in the Packaging Direct customer portal.
Keep track of all important documents in the customer portal.
About Noventiz
We offer our customers 360° services in the circular economy at transparent and comprehensible prices. Please also inform yourself about our other services.